Forum on gender-based violence

This interactive show is the result of a collaboration between the association "Une sur Cinq", which specialises in preventing and combating sexist and sexual violence in the workplace, and the Tarn-based forum theatre collective "La mue des crocodiles".

les Abattoirs
Free entrance

Thanks to its participative format, the audience becomes actors: the actors play a short scene that ends badly, and then the audience is invited to join in the scene to suggest a different outcome. The show is an opportunity to test your reactions in a safe environment, thwart oppression and empower yourself to take action and change things in real life. The forum theatre tackles a range of issues: How do you spot situations of gender-based and sexual violence? How to deal with the testimony of a victim? How to act as a victim, witness or superior? After the performance, the association Une sur Cinq will host a time for discussion and debate, to analyse "on the spot" what happened in the show and to supplement the theatrical presentation with concrete, practical information on gender-based and sexual violence in the workplace. The evening will close with a drink for the audience.

With the support of the French Ministry for Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities.

With the support of the Occitanie Prefecture.

With the support of the Occitanie Region