Feminist and Queer Art in Latin America
Sketch of a political cartography
Free entrance
A conference proposed by Thérèse Courau and Marie-Agnès Palaisi
On the occasion of the exhibition Liliana Porter, Reality Play. From the 1960s to the Present Day, Les Abattoirs have invited Thérèse Courau and Marie-Agnès Palaisi to trace the "Sketch of a political cartography of feminist and queer art in Latin America".
Situated on the border between symbolic and social struggles, Latin American artistic productions - like the works of Liliana Porter - put the political stakes of art into perspective.
Many artists have shifted both the socio-sexual imaginary and the myths of creation by putting into abyss the way in which representations construct our identities, our bodies and our affects. Echoing the revision of the artistic fact to which Liliana Porter's works invite us, this conference will sketch a fragmentary cartography of feminist and queer art in Latin America.
Thérèse Courau and Marie-Agnès Palaisi are teacher-researchers at the University Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès and members of the Centre d'Études Ibériques et Ibéro-américaines (CEIIBA) and of the ARPEGE network (Approches Pluridisciplinaires du Genre). Their research focuses on feminist and sexist literatures and arts in Latin America.

Libia Posada, "Signos cardinales", 2008-2019, collection les Abattoirs, Musée – Frac Occitanie Toulouse, installation, dim. variables © Libia Posada ; photo Sylvie Leonard