© D.R.

Tourisme Imaginaire 2024

12th edition

For this 12th edition, Tourisme Imaginaire is looking at Public Service!

How does it feed into art?

It's a huge question, and we've come up with some suggested answers in a new programme of extraordinary cultural and heritage tourism. The programme features a wide range of artistic proposals (performance, clowning, exhibitions, art videos, sound creation, dance, installations and music) in places that are emblematic of the public service: a former hospital and its adjoining maternity hospital, and a former customs office.

Les Dessinants by Jérôme Souillot / the clown Ludor Citrik / a performance by Cie ilotopie / a concert by Boucan / sound portrait / performance by Dominique Gilliot / music with Freddy Morezon / works by Les Abattoirs, Musée - Frac Occitanie Toulouse / eclectic screenings / dance, dance, dance

By reservation only

13 (full price) / €10 (reduced price) / €8 (under 18s)

From 4pm, rue de Bradford in Aussillon, Verrière Eiffel behind the Bradford centre (packaging)

For further information and bookings: