Nature au Futur

Collections les Abattoirs, Musée – Frac Occitanie Toulouse

Since 2015, the Abattoirs, Musée - Frac Occitanie Toulouse and the Résidence Caroline Baron in Toulouse have been presenting an exhibition of works from their collections in a dedicated space. This collective initiative highlights the importance of giving older people projects to experience within the residence, thereby preserving their ability to be an integral part of the city and society as a whole.

The exhibition was designed in consultation with residents, care staff and, for this edition, young teenagers from the CESDDA. This new contribution enriches the exhibition's theme, and the intergenerational links and discussions around the chosen subject: nature, its transformation and its future.

With :
Gilles Banet, Claude Batho, Camille Bryen, Gug, Minot-Gormezano, Arthur-Luis Piza, François Saint-Pierre, Danilo Sartoni, Ilan Wolff

Edenis is a group of associations that has been caring for people made vulnerable by old age for almost 40 years.
Thanks to its experience in caring for the elderly, Edenis is constantly evolving to ensure that residents feel ‘at home’ in its EHPADs, in a setting that is both hotel and medical, reinforced and secure. Edenis is constantly on the lookout to adapt its offer to the needs of senior citizens in Occitanie.